Start Rising Podcast
The Start Rising Podcast, hosted by Caiti Courtier, is a show for entrepreneurs seeking personal growth and heightened positivity who are taking imperfect action. The podcast focuses on the topics of resilience and overcoming obstacles to achieve success, with an emphasis on questioning old beliefs and learning valuable lessons along the way. The podcast is aimed at entrepreneurs who may feel isolated on their journey and are looking for support during the beginning through growth stages of their business. By listening to the Start Rising Podcast, individuals can connect with like-minded individuals and gain inspiration to pursue their big audacious goals.
Start Rising Podcast
Episode 43: Reviving Life with Business, Parenting, and Gratitude (Part 1)
Ever felt the call to hit the pause button, reassess and reignite your life? That's exactly what I've been doing since November, and it's been an incredible journey of personal growth and mindset evolution. A much-needed break allowed me to confront my fears and transition from preparation to action. Inspired by the dynamic duo behind the 'Screw the Nine to Five' podcast, my husband and I have joined forces in business, leveraging our unique strengths to build a location-independent lifestyle.
Gratitude, we all know, is an essential ingredient in the recipe for a fulfilling life. But keeping up with it can be quite a challenge. I'll take you through my personal experiences, showing you how the feeling of being grateful can sometimes wear off quickly, and the importance of maintaining it. I'll also be touching on the joys and responsibilities that come with being a new parent, like the opportunity to shape my baby boy's world with positive affirmations and language. And just as a teaser, stay tuned for the next episode where we dive into the intriguing worlds of virtual assistants and crystals.
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Hello and welcome back to the Start Rising podcast. Today we're going to talk about a few different things and just have a chit chat about where I've been at and maybe some things that can help you. We're going to talk about November to now, mindset, virtual assistants and crystals. So without further ado, let's get stuck into it. So, starting with November to now, my mindset has been something that has been growing, evolving and changing And as I've been doing more learning and listening to different podcasts, to different people in the entrepreneurial space, the theme consistently is that mindset is something that is vital to success And as something that, without the mindset piece of being in the right headspace and having the right beliefs, well your results will reflect your beliefs. That whole adage of if you say you can or if you say you can't, you're right. So whatever you believe is going to be what comes to fruition, what manifests in your reality, and those pieces have been such a huge shift for me. So the November piece is kind of when I wrapped up the last episode of season one for the podcast And in that I was, as I mentioned as you know, if you've listened to before episodes I was traveling to Australia for the month of December to spend time with my family and to be able to spend some time with them during pregnancy, be able to actually go back to Australia, because I hadn't been back there in like five years because of the shutdowns and things like that. So it was great to go back there and knowing that I was giving myself the space to pause and take a breath, as far as giving that creativity breathing space.
Speaker 1:I was on the plane, i was writing up my plans for the next season, what I wanted to do, what I would accomplish and what would scare the pants off me because I think that's my next piece is scaring the pants off myself and I can't keep being in this preparation mode as far as, oh, i'm preparing on, because, as I've learned and as I've realized, and as you hear me say this, you're probably going to say well, katie, that's really, really noticeable for anyone outside of your head I can't keep using the preparation piece as protection, and that's what I think I've been doing, and it may resonate with you in some way as well that the protection piece of oh well, i have to get this ready first, this ready first, this ready, first, that ready first, before you actually take the leaf and take the movement, or you have this fear that people won't take you seriously when you are doing the pieces. So that was a huge realization for me, as I was on the plane writing up this season's kind of like goals and plans and while I haven't even scratched the surface of them yet, they are in the works and there's some exciting things to come, and I'm equally scared and excited about bringing things through. So the thing that really helped me figure out why, like give myself, i suppose, the permission, i suppose, give myself encouragement and see examples of doing this was listening to the Screw, the Nine to Five podcast. They at like Josh and Jill Stanton, who are the hosts of that podcast. They resonate with me for a few different reasons because Josh is from Australia and Jill is from Canada.
Speaker 1:So you have this couple who has literally come from different sides of the world, different sides of the earth, and they figure out a way to not only be a couple, to work together and to be able to make substantial impact in what they do. And they've allowed themselves to pivot from thing to thing to thing and they've not let the fear of oh, i have to have this one thing. I have to have this known for this one thing They've not let that stop them, which is so good to hear, because they've made it work, location independently, and that's the type of thing that my husband and I want. So it was really nice to see that example of another couple making it work, because for us it's really something that in our immediate circle people don't. They don't face these same challenges we do. As far as the distance, most people that we know they're both sides of their family are relatively close, thank you. So they don't have to worry about the extra things that we do and all of the different pieces of making them come together halfway around the world and things like that. That's a burden that well I say the word burden probably not. It's a weight we choose to bear is the better way to say that, because it's not something we're in, not something we are being forced to do. It's something that we want to do because it's an important value of ours. So that mindset shifts of seeing people who have done the things that you want to do is really important.
Speaker 1:And at the same time, trevor and I my husband were talking about alright well, how do we make a business together work. How do we join our forces to be able to balance each other out and to do things effectively? And we're a little bit of a unique mix. I'm more of an introvert, trevor is an extrovert and he has different strengths and I have different strengths and they both complement each other really well, which is why I kind of feel that my past ventures solo may have fallen flat on my face, probably being a little bit dramatic, but that's how it felt at the time like failing. So then we can move to a place where we can join together to unify.
Speaker 1:I don't know if any 90s babies are around here, but that whole aspect of if I see like pictures in my head and things like that and that whole Captain Planet, how they all like kind of join their forces like earth, wind, fire, water, and they join their rings together and it summons Captain Planet with all of their powers combined. So that's kind of how I see Trevor and I joining forces, that we complement each other in order to make things work the way we do. So that has been something that has been a huge pivot and being able to see that example makes me realise that it's possible for us to do. It's not a sacrifice, it's not either or it's a win and win that we can both do together in order to get the outcome that we are hoping for. So that mindset piece of really now, from November to now, having that belief that there is examples that we can see and we can do and it just I don't know, it just gives me more faith in the unknown, faith in my capabilities of saying, well, if these people did this, then it is a potential for us.
Speaker 1:All we need to do is take those actionable steps and actually put ourselves out there in order to be able to be paid, because that's the biggest thing for starting a business. You don't have a business if people can't pay you. And while you may have I don't know print on demand products or something digital people can buy, can people pay you and can people see what you have to offer, because I think that's the secondary part. People have to be able to know it exists to be able to take that action and to be able to pay you. So those are some pieces that I've been working through and I want to share this with you because I think mindset it's been a slow, gradual growth.
Speaker 1:It feels like it's just challenge on challenge on challenge, and I've spoken before about the idea of like a downward, like a spiral cylinder, like you hit a new level. You're revisiting the same things, but you're taking on a different level, and it reminds me of the car park that's underneath the Sydney Harbour. Sydney Harbour, the Sydney Opera House. There is a car park that literally spirals down And then when you get up, you spiral up And it's like because there's not much space around there, so they need to make use of the space they have. But that's the visual that I remember when I revisit these lessons, that it hits you deeper on a different level each time you hear it, and that's why the words oh, i already know that is so damaging and shuts off any learning.
Speaker 1:Yeah, chances are, you probably have heard something before, so it's not a new, new concept to you, but it's something that you need to hear, probably hear again, and it can always land a different way. And, unless you are doing the thing that the person is talking about and you have direct success with that, no, you don't already know it, because if you already knew it, you would be doing it, and I think that's the piece that we need to take on when we're in our building phase, and that's essentially what we are. We are building our belief in ourself, we're building this self-concept and we're building our momentum towards our business and our mindset. And the mindset is a direct reflection of where you're at. So your mindset is the first thing. Then the next piece is going to be it'll eventually show up in your world as to what you believe You'll see reflected in your outer world, the whole outage of so we oh gosh, i need to write down the quotes before I think about them, but a lot of them just come to me at the time as within, so without like, as within yourself, as so without outside of yourself. Essentially, like, your mind reflects your world and the things you've created are a direct reflection of that.
Speaker 1:What I'll have you do is just take a moment to pause or think about something that in your life you wanted so badly that now you have, and having that level of appreciation for it. Just sit in that gratitude for a moment, because I don't think entrepreneurs and notorious and I'm calling myself out here for this too are go, go, go, go going and trying to do, do, do, do, do that you don't really give yourself the space necessarily to see how far you've come. Walking up a mountain and feeling like you're never going to reach the top, you don't usually take a time to turn around and look to see how far you've come and to see that how far up the mountain you've actually climbed. What's something in your life that you have now that you once dreamed that you would have it, that you wished it into reality? Something to think about, pause, reflect and just take a moment to sit there in gratitude.
Speaker 1:An example for myself, pre Oliver, my son, is that I used to hope and wish and just I think, since I was maybe probably 14, all I wanted was a dog for myself. I just wanted a dog so badly and got to 2017 and Trevor and I had a chance to get a dog. We took the leap and we got our dog, hank, and that was something that we had both wanted for so long. We just wanted a dog. We're big dog people. He became our baby and we're all excited with the puppy phase and then that kind of wears off and you're still obviously doting on him. He's still your baby For us. We took him like everywhere we went, but after a while it kind of wears off that the gratitude and the appreciation.
Speaker 1:It's not the forefront of your mind. You enjoy Like, you enjoy spending time with him, you enjoy petting him, you enjoy seeing him when you come home from work, all those pieces, but you probably don't sit in that same level of gratitude that you did at the beginning. So what I encourage you to do is to sit in that gratitude of looking at your life right now, even if it's only something small, what's something that you have now that you from a couple of years ago would have absolutely dreamed of and just wanted it so bad. Sitting in that level of gratitude is so important. So go ahead and pause me if you need to Close your eyes not if you're driving a car and just sit and feel and be with that. Let the feeling of gratitude wash over you And just sit in that awe Chances are. You believed it could happen, so it did, so it came to fruition.
Speaker 1:When you plant a tree, you've got a while to wait for it to grow into a ginormous tree. The first things that grow are the things that cannot be seen. So that mindset piece, that's the first thing that grows, and no one else other than the seed other than you. You are the only one that can see this, necessarily, and you may start to have people make comments of oh that's different, you're just noticing different things about you, but it takes time to be able to see that fruit essentially the outcome of your beliefs come to bear. The last thing to grow on a tree is the fruit, but you've got all of this other stuff. That's happened, and the same thing with your mindset. The first thing to grow is your mindset And then the outcome that everyone else can see. It comes later. It's a piece that just comes later on And we need to be okay with having that gradual progression And just know the growth within ourselves is huge And you are probably going to be the one that feels that More than anyone else. So that's my mindset piece and my growth from November to now. It's really like I don't know. Like if you look at a graph, it's really for me it is hockey stick up. It's like slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow And then like kicks up really high. As far as that piece And the catapult to that essentially is Oliver, like I suppose my greatest gift is having my son, seeing him and knowing that I am the one that is going to be his first impression of the world and what is possible and what we both want.
Speaker 1:Like my husband and I want for him that we are the people that get to shape his world and we can either shape it positively or we can shape it negatively. And that's a lot of power, and I want to make sure that I want to hold true to my beliefs of what I believe I want for him. And the way I'm going to do that is by showing him how I've grown, how I'm overcoming things, and later on I can share stories with him about this is where we were, this is what we did and basically showing him by doing that anything you believe you can achieve. And even with that, like he is 11 weeks old now, i have been saying affirmations to him. When I'm nursing him, i'm cuddling him when he's going to sleep, i am saying affirmations to him.
Speaker 1:I'm saying I love you, you are compassionate, you can achieve anything you set your mind to, you can do anything in the world that you want, and basically just giving him these little things that, essentially, are also a gift to myself, because the things that I'm choosing to say that are also going to reflect to me, but yet I may only believe them if I say them to him, because we can give compassion to other people and we are the last person to give that compassion back to ourselves. So that's really important. What I might do is, because I've spoken for longer than I thought, i'm going to break up this podcast into two parts, because I still haven't even touched on the virtual assistant and the crystal aspect that I wanted to, and we've already hit like 17 minutes, so I'm going to go ahead and slice this into a two-parter. I will speak to you next time.